“Change the future of your business and sustain your business with our offshore consulting agency. We automate any position for your business through human delegation.”


We can literally automate all your daily tasks

Let a qualified and dedicated consultant come to your aid.


Overqualified employees capable of performing complex tasks

The consultants that we put at your disposal have a minimum BAC +3 and more or less significant experience. Their qualification levels are higher than the market average.

Working from our own offices

Your consultants are under our supervision within our offices to guarantee you an above-average quality of work.

Supervision by an experienced manager and an operations specialist

Each consultant is supervised by an experienced manager and an operations specialist who guarantee productivity and the successful completion of missions. They play an essential role in the day-to-day supervision of the consultant, ensuring that they understand your objectives and expectations.

Deep working

During their day, consultants are placed in an environment conducive to working and achieving objectives, within our own premises in order to guarantee maximum productivity.

Real-time communication and interaction

You can interact directly with your consultant or their manager at any time, via video, calls, chat or emails, for real-time monitoring.

Flexibility of working hours

We can meet all your specific needs.

Management of social and employer contributions

No longer worry about social, employer or other charges. Jotomatiz.com takes care of these administrative aspects, which simplifies the relationship between the company and the consultant.

Reimbursement in the event of absence due to illness or accident

At Jotomatiz.com we reimburse lost working days if the consultant is absent for health reasons or an accident. This provides peace of mind for our customers by ensuring work continuity and reducing disruption.

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Help with improving automation processes

With our expertise in improving automation processes, we can help optimize your tasks and implement automated solutions to increase your efficiency, with the help of the consultant, manager and operations specialist.

High-performance equipment and offices

We pride ourselves on providing our consultants with high-performance computers and hardware in our own offices. By ensuring our teams have the latest technology tools, we ensure optimal performance and increased productivity.

Consultant well-being and benefits

The remuneration of our consultants is above average and we ensure the well-being of our employees. We offer our consultants benefits and bonuses throughout the year.

Transparency and professionalism

We adopt a "NO BULLSHIT" attitude to offer you quality services, avoiding empty promises and favoring concrete and achievable solutions.

Termination at any time

We understand the importance of flexibility for our customers. This is why we offer the possibility of terminating our contract at any time, without penalty or long-term commitment. You only pay for the days of work actually completed and no credit card is required. Payment is made at the end of each month, by transfer.

Data security and privacy

Each consultant is required to respect a strict confidentiality charter which prohibits the disclosure of any client data. In the event of non-compliance, legal and disciplinary measures may be taken. Our team ensures data security on a daily basis by carefully monitoring activities carried out on consultants' computers.

Our consultants are your employees, but without all the negative aspects!


    Select a “Part-time”, “Full-time” or “Full-time x2” offer and make a “GENERAL QUESTIONS” (30 minutes) or “NEEDS ANALYSIS” (1 hour) appointment.

    You will not be asked for any payment at this stage.

    This only allows us to answer your questions and/or understand your needs.


    During a meeting of approximately 1 hour, you explain to us your needs in terms of outsourcing.

    Our consultants are real Swiss army knives who can carry out a multitude of different tasks within the same day (Prospecting, management, customer service, etc.).

    With clear explanations and procedures, we guarantee that you will be able to outsource everything you want.


    We introduce you to your consultant as well as his manager who will ensure the proper execution of your missions.

    You will be able to interact at any time with our team, its manager or your consultant directly for "day-to-day" missions or to rectify certain tasks.

    At the same time, we will validate all the missions to be carried out during this stage.


    As soon as the previous step is completed, your consultant begins his training directly (if necessary) then carries out your missions without further delay!

    Your offer starts at that time.

    5) PAYMENT

    You will have a 25% discount on the first month, so you can test our offer at a lower cost.

    All our offers are non-binding and may end at any time. If you stop during a month, you will only pay for the number of days used.

    No bank card is required, payment is made by transfer at the end of each month, as if you were paying an employee!

    We prefer to show you our efficiency before you pay the real price!



    We support your consultant on a daily basis to improve and analyze your processes in depth and propose areas for improvement in your working methods.

    Through regular monitoring, we will ensure that these improvements integrate harmoniously and generate concrete long-term results, allowing you to remain agile and efficient in a constantly changing world.

    Reduced costs, maximum efficiency

    Get a head start on the competition!

    Challenges and Risks Related to Hiring

    Challenges of identifying reliable collaborators

    Recruiting trustworthy individuals can be tricky because the security of sensitive company information can be compromised if the wrong choice is made.

    Long-term employee retention issues

    Frequent employee turnover can lead to a loss of continuity, knowledge and experience, harming the stability of the business.

    Sudden departures

    Sudden departures can leave the company in a difficult situation, particularly if the employee was in a key role.

    Lack of efficiency

    New hires may require time to adapt to company processes and culture, leading to an adjustment period that can affect overall efficiency.

    High recruitment cost

    Expenses related to vacancies, interviews, tests and resources invested in the selection process can represent a significant financial burden.

    Hidden costs

    In addition to direct costs such as salary and expenses, there may be indirect costs related to employee management, communication and administration.

    Absenteeism and leave

    Frequent or prolonged employee absences may impact productivity and require adjustments to the team's workload.

    High salaries

    Competitive salaries required to attract and retain talent can weigh on company profit margins.

    Employer and social charges

    Employer contributions for Social Security and other benefits can represent a significant portion of total employment costs.

    Difficulty finding the right collaborator

    Identifying a candidate who matches not only the required skills, but also the company culture and values, can be a challenge.

    Low return on investment

    If the employee fails to contribute meaningfully to the company's growth, the investment in time, training and salary may seem unprofitable.

    Fluctuating productivity level

    An employee's performance may vary over time depending on a variety of factors, which can influence the quality and quantity of work completed.

    Risk of litigation

    Disagreements, disciplinary issues or other conflicts may eventually lead to legal disputes, which can be costly in time and resources.

    Risk of intellectual property theft

    If the employee has access to sensitive information, there is a potential risk that he or she could use it inappropriately or disclose it to third parties.

    Risks in the event of breach of contract

    Potential litigation and costs associated with premature contract termination, such as severance pay, can affect the company's financial position.

    Need for ongoing monitoring and management

    Some employees may require closer supervision, which can take up managerial time and resources.

    Need to maintain a favorable environment

    To avoid high employee turnover, the company must create a favorable work environment that meets the needs and expectations of employees.

    Legal and regulatory constraints

    Employment laws are complex and constantly changing, which can make managing employees difficult and requiring regular compliance updates.

    Constraints linked to fixed-term contracts

    If the company frequently uses fixed-term contracts, this may affect the stability of the workforce and result in additional costs for short contracts.

    Constraints linked to permanent contracts

    Risk of difficult termination, long-term commitment, difficulty adjusting headcount, costs of layoffs, less agility, commitment to benefits, difficulty managing performance, need to justify layoffs, ongoing liability.. .